Build a Meaningful Music Career and Make a Living Following Your Passion
It’s not luck or genius talent that makes you successful as an artist. Building a meaningful music career is about playing the long-term game with strategy, dedication, and relationships with the right kind of people.
Learn how to achieve your music career goals and build a life you love. Earn a living from music while staying true to your principles as an artist.
Set the Right Goals and Achieve Them
Learn the strategies and tactics that lead to long-term success in the music industry. Building a meaningful music career won’t happen overnight. It’s all about taking small steps in the right direction, consistently.
Earn a Living Following Your Passion
Learn how to make money from music without “selling out” or signing shady deals. Earning a solid, full-time income as a creator isn’t as unrealistic as you might think. It’s all about choosing the right income streams and negotiating effectively.
Build a Team and Work With the Right People
Learn how to surround yourself with the right kind of people and collaborate effectively. Traditional “networking” won’t get you anywhere. It’s all about building meaningful relationships with a few, carefully selected people.
Role models
Learn From the Best Mentors in Music
There’s so much you can learn from the successes and failures of others. From famous artists to underground legends, you can assess their strategies and observe how they’ve overcome all the obstacles they had to face on their journey.
The Secret Behind Building a Meaningful Music Career
What do you think makes one out of thousands of upcoming artists “break through”? Is it luck? Genius talent? Maybe that artist is simply great at networking? These are some of the typical answers that come to mind when I ask upcoming artists this question.
But that’s not even remotely true and here’s why:
Success doesn’t magically happen overnight, simply because you get picked by a big label or supported by a famous DJ. Talent is important, of course, but without a proper strategy and the right mindset, it won’t get you anywhere.
Here’s what works instead:
To build a meaningful music career, you need to set goals strategically and make the right moves towards achieving them - every single day. This is only possible if you take the time to assess where you are and how you can get from point A to point B.
Luckily, if you surround yourself with the right people and arm yourself with the right knowledge, you’re already halfway there. Pick Yourself is there to support you on that journey and I believe that it’s 100% possible for you to build a successful music career.
My recipe for building a meaningful music career
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What Do You Need Help With?
Pick Yourself is there to help you in all areas of your artist career. From music production and mixing to music promotion, career advice, and building the right skills and mindset for success.